Updates from our Facebook page
A vacancy has arisen on Bishopstone Parish Council (which includes Hinton Parva and Russley Park) following the resignation of Cllr Gary Pass.As no election has been called to fill this vacancy, Bishopstone Parish Council wishes to co-opt someone to fill the vacancy and invites expressions of interest from people who live or work in our community. Applications must be received by the Clerk by 9am on FRIDAY 30TH AUGUST and will be considered at the Parish Council meeting on 2nd September 2024.Applicants from under-represented parts of the community are particularly encouraged to consider becoming a parish councillor. When co-opting new councillors, the parish council always seeks to enhance its diversity, increase its representation and broaden its skills.Bishopstone Parish Council has a clear and transparent procedure for co-option, which can be found under ‘Policies’ on the parish website at bishopstoneandhintonparva.org/documentsandnotices Email the clerk, Jaine Blackman, at clerk@bishopstoneandhintonparva.org for further information.If you would like to find out more about being a parish councillor, don’t hesitate to contact the clerk or speak to one of our current councillorsFurther information can be found here: www.local.gov.uk/be-councillorBishopstone Parish Councillors are not paid or affiliated to any political parties.
If you’re considering becoming a councillor, you will find everything you need to know to make your decision, here.
Have your say in the borough's ward boundary review.It is proposed to make a new ward combining Ridgeway and Chiseldon. Follow this link to have your say.
Have your say on a new political map for Swindon Borough Council
Press release for draft recommendations for Swindon
BISHOPSTONE PARISH COUNCIL EXTRAORDINARY MEETINGAn Extraordinary Parish Council meeting will be held at Bishopstone Village Hall at 7.30pm on Monday 15th July, 2024Members of the public or press are welcome to observe all parish council meetings and may raise issues and ask questions before the meeting, in public question time. Plans can be viewed via pa1.swindon.gov.uk/publicaccess by entering the application number.AGENDA1. Public Question Time2. Approved Apologies3. Declarations of Interest4. PlanningS/AGRI/24/0747 Prior Approval Application for the excavation of land to provide a sloping sided pit for the storage of slurry at Land At Gore Lane Farm, Baydon
Search for Planning Applications and Appeals by keyword, application reference, postcode or by a single line of an address.
FIBRE UPDATEWe have received the following update from Openreach:All work within Hinton Parva for FTTP (Fibre To The Premises) is complete and residents should be able to order. The remaining addresses within Bishopstone are nearly complete and should be ready to place an order by the end of June as Openreach is just in the process of commissioning the remaining properties.As all Gigabit Vouchers only have a 12 month validity, Openreach has applied for an extension to make sure the vouchers do not expire. Please do not worry about any automated emails you receive saying your voucher is about to expire. It is down to Openreach to gain an extension, if they don’t gain an extension they are still committed to completing the project.