The Wiltshire Policing Model
- The Wiltshire police force cover the whole county, across both local authority areas for Wiltshire Council and Swindon Borough Council.
- The county is divided into eight Community Policing Teams (CPTs).
- Each team is led by an Inspector and made up of designated Response and Neighbourhood officers.
- Each CPT has five Response Teams with each one being led by sergeants. The main role of these officers is to respond to 999 and 101 calls and manage ongoing investigations.
- Each CPT has a Neighbourhood Team. In Swindon this is divided into three areas. These are led by an Inspector and made up of sergeants, officers, Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs), volunteers and police staff.
The Wiltshire Police Neighbourhood Teams play a valuable role as the main link between the Force and the community. They are the officers and volunteers you will come to recognise in your communities and will see at local meetings and events. The neighbourhood officers focus directly on working within the community, offering greater contact with the public and take a problem-solving approach to local community issues.