Womens Institute
The Bishopstone with Hinton Parva WI is a very friendly, active WI that offers its members companionship, as well as a range of leisure and educational activities. We were established in 1954 and currently have 49 members who come not only from the villages of Bishopstone and Hinton Parva, but also from the surrounding villages of Ashbury, Bourton, Liddington, Shrivenham and Wanborough, as well as from Swindon.
Our annual programme runs from May until April and we normally meet at 7.30pm on the second Thursday of each month for about two hours, either in Bishopstone Village Hall or Hinton Parva Village Hall. Ordinary meetings comprise a short update on current business, a guest speaker, competitions, a raffle and social time over delicious refreshments. We have two competitions at each meeting: bloom of the month, and a light hearted competition related to the evening speaker’s presentation.
Contact us on 01793 790432
View our historical Scrapbooks: